I'm Ginny Halstead and this is a little bit of my story.


I wrote this song about 4 or 5 years ago, and it is called I Will Wait, but it feels like a song meant for this moment now.  I even used the word "shelter" in the chorus.  God does that with me and my songs sometimes. I sing about things I need to be reminded of.  I am not as patient as I would like to be, and patience is something He has worked on in me for a long time.  Thankfully our God is patient even when we are not!

Something you may not know about me is that when I'm driving my kids around, or walking the dog, or making dinner, there is almost always a song playing in my head, way down in the back.  It could be the Dr. Pepper jingle from 1978, or a bad 80's pop song (or a good one), or, on my better days, it's a praise and worship song.  When I'm working on a new song, that's the song that will be in my mind, and it's usually louder...  sometimes very insistently trying to get out.  It can get pretty noisy in here!  Lately it has been a song by the Carpenters, circa 1971 "What do you get when you fall in love..." probably because of the line about catching pneumonia, since we are dealing with this pandemic at the moment.   Songs stuck in our heads can get kind of annoying sometimes, right?  Anyway, when we started sheltering in place, I got to thinking about this song I have shared with you here.  The chorus goes like this:

I will wait while You care for me completely
You are God,  You create all good things
I will wait while You shelter and You teach me
You are good, all the time, God my King

When I am writing songs, I try to write words that are faithful to what I understand about God and about Jesus and about the Gospel.  A lot of times I will send lyrics to Pastor Marco or even to all the pastors for proofreading.  I am so grateful for our pastors!  Even at forty-something years old, having grown up in church, (thank you Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Dickinson, Texas!) I am still learning, and I am still growing.  Of course I am.  God is such a mystery, isn't He?

My friends at FCC are part of my story, too.  Leading worship is one of the best things I get to do in my life.  This is because I get to love my church family by singing to you and with you.  It is life-giving for me.  But I approach it with a lot of care, because I am literally putting words in peoples' mouths, and I really try my hardest to have those words be very true words that will encourage, strengthen, and remind.  I encourage you, my friends in the faith, to keep on believing and seeking after God.  I want you to be strengthened in the Lord as you do you "day-to-day."  And most of all, I want to remind you how much God loves you, just exactly the way you are right now.

